my main reason for creating this blog is to try and help out other parents. i think a lot of parents worry about the financial aspect of raising children. i certainly did.
when my husband and i had the opportunity to move back to our hometown, we weren't going to turn it down, even though it meant a pay cut for him and the loss of a great job for me. i was five months pregnant and we wanted to raise our daughter near family. at that point, i started researching how to save money with a baby on the way. i have learned a lot and i continue to research a learn more every day.
our baby is now six weeks old. i exclusively breastfeed her and we cloth diaper her. these two steps alone can save thousands of dollars per year.
through this blog i will explain how we save money every day, and also share stories and give updates about our little one. i will share recipes for easy and inexpensive dinners, as well as recipes for cleaning products and anything else i come across that i think is interesting and worthy of sharing.
thanks for reading!